Powersport Battery Chargers

Would you like to get 5+ years out of your bike's battery? Read on ...
Do you have to replace your bike's battery every 2 years or so?
You really shouldn't. With good battery maintenance, getting anywhere from 5 to 10 years out of an AGM battery is not uncommon.
Today's technologically advanced vehicles are much more demanding on its electrical power system. On-board computers, phone charging, heated clothing/grips, sound systems, lights, and more. All this extra draw results in more strain on your bike's electrical system and some of that drain remains when the bike is turned off and parked.
So how do you get that extended life out of your battery?
Invest in a good smart charger / battery maintainer (not a trickle charger) and keep that battery hooked up whenever the bike is stored for more than 24h.
Why not a trickle charger?
The difference between a cheap trickle charger and a smart battery maintainer is that a trickle charger simply applies a low voltage to the battery, reversing it's normal rate of discharge. It does not measure anything and needs to be disconnected when the battery is fully charged.
A smart battery maintainer has sensors to constantly measure and determine the optimal charging voltage / amp rate for that particular battery. It will turn off and on when needed and can stay connected to that battery indefinitely .. all winter or all year long.
Most smart chargers will have a de-sulfation mode which basically applies very short bursts of high voltage to break up sulfate built-up inside the battery. This keeps your battery in tip-top shape for many years.